長崎は異国文化あふれる街並みで、どんなファッションも受け止める懐の深さがあると思います。 例えば坂本龍馬さんを思い浮かべると袴姿にサラッとブーツを履いてかっこいいですよね
やえ着物の 普段着物レンタルは着物を気軽に楽しむことを第一に考えています。
なので普段着の上から着物を着ていきます。 これの良いところは何かあった時に脱いでも、洋服を着ているので安心なことです。 ちょっと困る事は、洋服+着物なので暑くならないように洋服を選ぶ事だと思います。
About the casual kimono rental
Nagasaki is a city full of foreign culture and I think it has a deep pocket for all kinds of fashion. For example, if you think of Ryoma Sakamoto, you look cool in hakama and boots
I want you to enjoy your kimono without hesitation So I’m going to wear a kimono over my everyday clothes. The good thing about this is that even if you take it off when something happens, you can feel safe because you are wearing clothes. I think the problem is choosing clothes so that it doesn’t get hot because it’s clothes + kimono.
Please refer to the examples of coordination on YouTube.
It will be a compromise between Japanese and Western countries, so you can enjoy wearing boots and sneakers without any discomfort.
Feel free to enjoy coordination in your own way.
From now on, I would like to rent a kimono in various places. Please feel free to contact us if you want to go to a special event in kimono or if you want to make the event more enjoyable