- 金糸、銀糸、白糸の刺繡半衿は留袖用
- 色刺繡、西陣織などの織の半衿は振袖、訪問着(ここは、コーディネートが素敵ならあまり気にしないで良いと思います。)
It is sewn to nagajyuban(長襦袢)for use it.
Basically , siose(塩瀬) and tirimen(縮緬) are used from January to May, September to December. And from June to August, we used summer good such as ro(絽),etc.
But when you wear every day or fashionable kimonos, you can decide by your own coordination and experience.
The materials are silk, cotton, hemp and synthetic fiber. Polyester, cotton and hemp can be washed. Silk also has washable silk.
There are other colors besides white. There is embroidery, etc.
In general
- The embroidery haneri of gold, silver, and white thread is for tomesode(留袖).
- Furisode(振袖) and foumongi(訪問着)are suitable for color embroidery and nisijin weave(西陣織),etc.(You should not worry too much about this. Please coordinate it beautifully)
When purchasing Nagajyuban(長襦袢), please check if it has a haneri and purchase it. Many of them are sewn from the beginning.
半衿付け方 How to sew
Originally, it is sewing kukenui(くけ縫い),but I am not good at sewing, so I sew it with running stich.
I sew it from the back of my nagajyuban(長襦袢).( I am not good at sewing, so I will mark it with an iron. But I do not recommend it because it some times shrink.)
The seam allowance is 1 cm.
Fold the haneri in half and check the center.

Align the center of the back of the nagajyuban(長襦袢)insaide with the center of the haneri and fasten it with a marking pin.

The haneri behind the neck bends inward , do wrinkles from. Therefore, the haneri behind the shoulder is about 5mm shorter than the collar of the nagajyuban(長襦袢), and the marking pin is applied to make it natural. (Do the same thing on both shoulders)

(衣紋のところだけたくさんマチ針します。苦手なので^^; 他のところは長襦袢と半衿の長さを変えることがないので、マチ針はそんなにしません。)
The haneri at the back of the shoulder is 1 cm wide and the rest is 1.5 to 2 cm wide.( running stich)

(I sew from the shoulder of the haneri, but it dose not matter where you start sewing.)
The front side of the nahajyuban(長襦袢). When someone wears a kimono, on this side, the seams are covered with kimonos. So I can sew it comfortably.
Align the back center of the collar of nagajyuban(長襦袢) with the center of the haneri and hit the marking pin.( With seam allowance folded inward) Pull vertically so that there is no gap between the haneri and collar of the nagajyuban(長襦袢).And then I will hold it with a marking pin.
Please sew 1.5 to 2 cm.


I Think thread and haneri should be the same color.

There are many ways to sew. There are safety pins, double-sided tape for haneri, etc. Let’s do it in your own comfortable way. The haneri is a cloth under the face. And it is also an important accent for kimonos. It is hard to sew, but please enjoy it with your personality.
I am sorry for my poor English.
Thank you for reading through to end.